Aleksandra Michajlovna Kollontaj, in russo: Александра Михайловна Коллонтай?, nata Domontovič (San Pietroburgo, 31 marzo 1872 – Mosca, 9 marzo 1952), è stata una rivoluzionaria russa di orientamento marxista e femminista, la prima donna nella storia ad aver ricoperto l'incarico di ministra e ad aver figurato, come funzionaria di carriera e come ambasciatrice, nella diplomazia dei grandi paesi europei.


Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai was a Marxist revolutionary, first as a member of the Mensheviks, then from 1915 on as a Bolshevik . In 1922, Kollontai was appointed a diplomatic counsellor to the Soviet legation in Norway, being soon promoted to head of the legation, one of the first women to hold such a post.

Legalisierte Homosexualität in Sowjetrussland Kollontaj var datter af en general i tsarens armé. Hendes mor var datter af en finsk tømmerhandler. Kollontaj delte sin fars interesse for historie, og havde sprognemme: Hun talte fransk med sin mor og sine søstre, engelsk med sin barnepige, finsk med bønderne på det gods, familien havde arvet efter hendes morfar i Kuusa, og hun studerede tysk. #Alexandra Kollontaj #Socialist feminism #communist quote #Sorry if anything got lost in translation.

Alexandra kollontaj quotes

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La presentazione del libro di Pina La Villa su "Alexandra Kollontaj" alla dolceria Err&Mi (via commendator Belfiore, 31) a Francofonte (SR). Presentazione di Alexandra Mihailovna Kollontai (în rusă Александра Михайловна Коллонтай), născută Domontovici (în rusă Домонтович; n. 31 martie ( S.V. ) 1872 — d. 9 martie 1952 ), a fost o activistă comunistă rusă [9] și o reprezentantă de seamă a mișcării feministe.

Gjertrud L. Jynge: Alexandra Kollontaj. It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet.

The Workers' Opposition - Alexandra. Kollontai. Kollontai's pamphlet was one of which, to quote Lenin, has absorbed all the revolutionary energy of the class', 

Kollontaj delte sin fars interesse for historie, og havde sprognemme: Hun talte fransk med sin mor og sine søstre, engelsk med sin barnepige, finsk med bønderne på det gods, familien havde arvet efter hendes morfar i Kuusa, og hun studerede tysk. #Alexandra Kollontaj #Socialist feminism #communist quote #Sorry if anything got lost in translation.

Alexandra kollontaj quotes

2011-9-5 · Just as I was leaving Moscow, in 1922, Alexandra Kollontaj said to me: 'If you happen to read in the papers that Lenin has had me arrested for stealing the silver spoons in the Kremlin, that simply means that I'm not entirely in agreement with him about some little problem of …

Alexandra kollontaj quotes

Population; Peaceful; Enslaved Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai was a Marxist revolutionary, first as a member of the Mensheviks, then from 1915 on as a Bolshevik . In 1922, Kollontai was appointed a diplomatic counsellor to the Soviet legation in Norway, being soon promoted to head of the legation, one of the first women to hold such a post.

— Alexandra Kollontai. The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman (1926) Joy, Feeling, Secret, Pain. At 18, Alexandra ran away from home to marry one of her distant cousins, a handsome but struggling engineer named Vladimir Kollontai. She had her first child, a son, the following year. After touring a massive textiles factory in 1896, Kollontai decided to leave her husband and infant child and devote herself to Marxist politics. The barbaric living and labour conditions of the mostly female workers led her to write that “women, their fate, occupied me all my life; the lot of women pushed Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (Russian: Алекса́ндра Миха́йловна Коллонта́й — née Domontovich, Домонто́вич; March 31 [O.S.
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For it is not her specific feminine  Top 2 Alexandra Kollontai famous quotes & sayings: Sexuality is a human instinct as natural as hunger or thirst.

169 Alexander Mongait: Archaeology in the USSR. Rikl.ill.
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Alexandra Kollontai Quotes:1.The worker-mother must learn not to differentiate between yours and mine; she must remember that there are only our children, the children of Russia鈥檚 communist workers.2.Some third person decides

What is of „I never gave a thought to any kind of danger, being all too Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (Russian: Алекса́ндра Миха́йловна Коллонта́й — née Domontovich, Домонто́вич; March 31 [O.S. March 19] 1872 – 9 March 1952) was a Russian Communist revolutionary, first as a member of the Mensheviks, then from 1914 on as a Bolshevik. In 1923, Kollontai was appointed The article 'Women's Day' by Alexandra Kollontai was published in the newspaper Pravda one week before the first-ever celebration in Russia of the Day of International Solidarity among the Female Proletariat on 23 February (8 March), 1913.

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av J Sjöstedt · 2016 — (1869–1940) and Alexandra Kollontai (1875–1952), in the existen- tial phenomenology Both of the quotes, however, are representative of the comments in the 

Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. La vie et la carrière politique d'Alexandra Kollontai͏̈. Issue d'une d Alexandra Kollontaj, född 1871, har ett högborgerligt ursprung. Hon blev tidigt aktiv i den revolutionära rörelsen i Ryssland och tillhör alltså det gamla gardet ryska revolutionärer. 1917 gav hon Lenins aprilteser sitt stöd och talade, i egenskap av Centralkommittémedlem, ivrigt för novemberupproret. Efter bolsjevikernas statskupp i oktober 1917 lyckades revolutionären (och senare Stockholms-ambassadören) Alexandra Kollontaj övertyga Lenin om att göra kvinnodagen till en allmän helgdag, men så skedde bara delvis. Det var först 1965 som dagen blev ”röd dag” i Sovjetunionen.

On the International Women's Day of 1917 that incidentally coincided with the February Revolution in tsarist Russia, Alexandra Kollontai, the Bolshevik feminist  

9. mars 1952, Moskva, Sovjetunionen (nå Russland) Aleksandra Mikhajlovna Kollontaj var en russisk politiker, diplomat, kvinneforkjemper og forfatter av både sakprosa og skjønnlitteratur. Hun spilte en viktig rolle under bolsjevikenes maktovertakelse i Russland 1917 og de første årene etterpå. Foto fra circa 1900.

Hur kommer det sig att de varken ser, känner eller  Aleksandra Kollontaj.